TDEE and unbalancing for weight gain or weight loss- with calculator

TDEE stands for Total Daily Energy Expenditure.
It is the daily calorie intake recommendation to maintain one’s current weight.

The TDEE takes into account the BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), and the average physical activity level.

If you’re not sure which activity level to choose, always go for a lower number. That’s because most people overestimate how much they exercise, and if you want to lose weight, it’s safer to assume that you are not as active as you’d expect yourself to be.

The attached calculator for your TDEE takes into account the following factors options based on the relevant activity level:

  • Sedentary lifestyle (little or no exercise): 1.2
  • Slightly active lifestyle (light exercise or sports 1-2 days/week): 1.4
  • Moderately active lifestyle (moderate exercise or sports 2-3 days/week): 1.6
  • Very active lifestyle (hard exercise or sports 4-5 days/week): 1.75
  • Extra active lifestyle (very hard exercise, physical job or sports 6-7 days/week): 2.0
  • Professional athlete: 2.3

Weight balancing

If a person would like to maintain his weight, there is a need to keep the calorie intake in balance as the value indicated by the TDEE calculator (the BMR and calories required for the physical activities.

To gain weight as muscle mass while training, it is needed to consume around 500 calories more per day, not more than that, otherwise the excess of calories will convert to fat (apart building muscles).

To lose weight, it is needed to be in around 500 calories deficit per day. higher deficit will result in losing muscle mass, as the body will use the muscles as the source for energy, instead of maintaining the muscles or building them.

While doing so, keeping the balance of the macro’s (protein, fats, and carbohydrates) is essential to fuel the body properly.

Calorie Calculator

Macro Calculator


[…] Click for macros calculator […]

Jin John
January 23, 2021

Very good this all information is very informational for us, But if you want to know how to maintain your bodyweight you can use an online calculator. Which is easy to use. I hope you should try it at once in your life.

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