8 Key benefits of active adventure vacations


So you decide to take a vacation and you would like to properly plan for it. How exciting this can be. When planning your vacation you might want to consider not only the importance of relaxation, calming down, get the right sleep which you are dreaming of for a long time, but also the factors that will re-build you,  improve you, and will  maximize mental and health impacts a vacation can give.

These factors accomplishments can be better achieved by adventure travel or combining adventure activities with your relaxation time.

There are many reasons why adventure travel is important for your body and soul and why you should strive to have some, and experience some outdoors or adrenaline activities together with tranquility by the pool.

  1. Stress relief

Evidently, and backed up by researches you are coming back from an active adventure happier. Stress is melt away. Your eyes caught the beautiful scenery and so your heart and memory.

Research suggests that nature walks can reduce stress, as well as boost levels of attention! A recent study’s findings show that “nature experiences, even of a short duration, can decrease this pattern of thinking that is associated with the onset, in some cases depression,” says Gregory Bratman, the lead author of the study.

  1. Building happiness through experiencing

Psychology Professor Thomas Gilovich from Cornell University has made four studies on the subject over decades and came to the conclusion that happiness is derived from experiences, not things.

In short, experience the nature, experience activities and earn a token for happiness.

  1. Adventures will contribute for a sense of accomplishment

Making it to meet your goals you defined for yourself will lead to the sense of personal achievement. The greater the challenge the more sense of achievement we will feel when we accomplish these goals.

  1. Getting fit by preparation

Okay this is a trivial one, maybe. For many outdoors activities we are required to make some home preparations.

It means you will need to gain strength or stamina and endurance. If you are planning a trek in which you are required to carry everything on your shoulders, most chances you will  make the necessary preparations to get fit for this adventure. Once doing so, you might want to keep the fitness levels you have reached. Either you decide to adopt new way of living or to keep being fit as always, you are probably in a better shape compared to your pre-travel condition. From here many activities and situations will be more manageable and achievable.

In addition, did you know that nature can make exercise easier? So when deciding on an adventure that require physical preparations, going outdoor can be more of the right thing for you. A study conducted tested cyclists pedaling in front of green, red and grey images. Those who pedaled in front of the green screen reported that they felt lower exertion during their cycling, as well as displayed less mood disturbances than the other participants. So if you’re looking for a way to get fit the easy way, fool your mind and “go green”, in nature.

  1. Building self-awareness and confidence

A bi-product of travel is raising your self-awareness – and it’s one of the most beneficial parts of taking on an adventurous trip overseas. Adventure travel brings you closer to your “inner self”, giving you the chance to examine and challenge yourself in ways you didn’t think were possible. Stepping into the unknown and taking a risk demands our increased attention and can bring an intense state of self-awareness – one of the reasons that people such as mountain climbers engage in adventure activities. These adventurers often return home with a more relaxed mind and increased self-confidence. 

  1. Gaining knowledge and skills

If you ever want to brush up on your skills, a trip abroad might be all you need.  Travelling creates new challenges and enables you to expand your skillset to cope with these challenges. Whether it’s developing your negotiation skills from haggling souvenir prices in Vietnamese markets, brushing up on your non-oral forms of communication in India, taking a cooking class in Sri Lanka or stretching your physical or mental aptitude with a mountaineering expedition up Island Peak in Nepal. These are skills that can change the way you travel and live your life at home, and will stay with you long after you’ve returned home.

  1. The outdoors experiences can lead to a smarter human being.

Studies found that brain scans taken after exercise showed that participants had greater and more focused activity in the prefrontal cortex than they did before. What’s more, active adventures help increase activity in your hippocampus, the brain’s main “storage unit”. Typically, the hippocampus decreases as you get older, leading to memory loss, however physical outdoor activity can lead to a chemical reaction in the body that increases the hippocampus. A group of middle aged adults took a forty minute walk three times a week, and over a year grew their hippocampi by 2%.

Experiences new cultures and more ways of life, help you to be open minded, to absorb better from the environment, having more life practices and ready better for other uncertainties show up in your life.

  1. Re-alive your experiences and making new friendships

You are long after your adventure and every time there is a chance for it, you will find yourself shouting out your memories, laughing out loud or quietly emotionally sharing what you experienced. Sometimes such occasions can be with your new friends you earn during the remote experiences such connections are sometimes priceless. You will always be proud of your great photo-shoots and amazing video’s you took.

Doesn’t matter what is your favorite outdoors activity, you can gain a lot from it, by preparations to accomplishment and all in between. Plan your vacation, get the gear you need, and go collect memories and lifetime excitements.



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